New Moon, New Cycle

At approximately 2:39 pm EST on November 13, 2023, was a New Moon cycle. Now, this cycle visits the human population every 28 days, but this New Moon, something special happened.

The world got quiet, the wind blew over the lake and through my layers as I walked. I felt as raw as the air cutting my face. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I was not crying. My heart felt heavy, but I did not have any thoughts.

Then I heard it. Over the blaring wind, of the leaf-less trees, retrospective Jupiter was telling Venus how beautiful she is. He was happy to share in her space and indulge in warming, delicious foods, beautiful spaces, and pampering himself. “That is wonderful, Jup, but don’t overdo it,” Venus warned. Venus was focusing on balance and making sure she is organized for the upcoming holidays. She called out to Mercury: “Please talk to Jup, you can speak his language, you’re staying in his home”.

Mercury was too busy having fun and looking at places to travel, people to meet, all to strengthen his sense of purpose and love for life. Meanwhile, Sun and Moon were discussing plans for the month, and Mars kept interrupting with the “to do” list. Luna wanted to get deep about her needs and Sun wanted to shine a light on every secret. “I am feeling so vulnerable!” Said Luna.

“I am sorry, I can’t help it!” Sun responded defensively. “Look at how much fun you can have when you don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities!” He dived into the water and swam around. “Make sure you get everything done before the holidays!” Mars reminded again. “But let us also learn to have some fun and relax”, chimed in Mercury and Jupiter with smooth, gentle voices.

If you are feeling any of these archetypes, it is because the sky is reminding us of what this season is about. Rest, plan, dive, play, repeat.