A Wonderful Astrological Talk

Happy Solstice, where the Northern Hemisphere gets to enjoy 😉 and experience longer nights and shorter days. Since I have family in Argentina, I could easily be in the Southern Hemisphere of shorter nights, and longer days…my absolute favorite!!! 😍

However, I decided to choose to experience the shorter days with the frigid air (and I fit some skiing in too, don’t worry); because I realized the need to experience the worst (at least for me) in order to enjoy the best There is something very refreshing about that. It helps me accept difficult cirucumstances, somehow. More than that, it helps me to take in the moment. This is especially possible when you have the mind of resilience. What is resilience, you ask?

I have been reading a wonderful book (please invest in it, it is totally worth it!) called Resilience by Linda Graham, MFT, there are many practical exercises in the book (great for an earth/air sign driven person) to try out. The author describes resilience as “a person who is flexible, who is not wedded to one coping method, who uses different strategies depending on the situation at hand, accepting what they cannot change, learning from failure, using difficult emotions to fuel compassion and courage, and the strength of internal and external resources “. Therefore, being flexible and adaptable to change is crucial to your survival. I will be guiding you this year on change, as we will have a lot of it occurring with many cycles ending and beginning; many ingresses of planets into new signs…but we will get to that!

So what does this Capricorn Ingress (which in Uranian astrology is the chart of the next year) have in store for us? It has a Scorpio rising, with the ruler, Mars, at the top of the chart. It is a busy, yet productive year. The themes Saturn started 2 years ago, will be wrapping up for you this year. With Taurus on the DC, our relationships (Venus) will be of a certain, Aquarian flare, with the help of Jupiter, who is also getting help from Mercury, and he needs it, since they are both in the sign that they do not do their best in, so depending on what aspects Mercury and Jupiter make to each other this year, really matters. I will be tracking this as the year goes on!

Venus in Aquarius might bring on unconventional relationships, but also relationships that seek the endurance of Saturn. That can be tested at all times, so depending on what phase your committed relationship is in, you will be learning the lessons of that phase (feel free to reach out to me and book a session to find out more). Venus is also opposite Mars in Leo, who wants all the attention. So, back to the productivity. Mars will be checking to make sure your relationship is functioning as it should be; on all layers: from how do we enjoy sport together to how we resolve fights to how we have passionate sex. Venus is also the universal symbol of women. There may be a bit of a “battle of the sexes” this year on a wider scale. Perhaps we can see men seemingly making the decisions and women are behind the scenes affecting those decisions. It can look like a working together to resolve differences (that may never be resolved, but at least there was an effort) or oppositional views that take on a fighting energy. Knowing Leo and Aquarius: those are signs that want to work together for the better of the whole. I have faith in humanity, but good luck out there. Feel free to reach out for some ways to cope with stress, change or just to chat about your astrological chart and we can have a simple chat about it. Use code CHAT for some discounts and remember: You got this!

How to Get Over the Past

After reading the title, what did you think?

I hear this a lot from clients: “how do I get over the past?” There are many different meanings to this, and what is healing and how do we know if we are “over it”?

I would like to venture out holistically. I believe when people say “get over it”, what I think they mean is “healing from the past”, where it no longer bothers you. Where you can think back on it briefly, not cringe and just let yourself be who you are despite what happened.

If you are willing to experiment with what I am going to offer, then you are on well on your way towards healing. I know this because I have tried it.

The first step is to notice what it is about your past that you need to “get over”, and how would that help you in the long run? For example, are you are feeling ashamed of an alcoholic past? Would it help you focus on your work or your children? Would it make you a better person?

Once you have defined that, then think about the question: what can I learn from this? Life has a lot of lessons to learn and there are planets that help us focus on these themes as they are activated in our charts. it is not anything to be ashamed about it. It is the universe’s way of shaping our souls to be the best person we can be.

What do some of the planets teach us? The Moon gives us insight into what makes us comfortable or safe. A person with a Leo Moon will feel great shining and performing in front of a group, while a Capricorn Moon will want to choose specific relationships with whom to become intimate.

Mars teaches us how to fight for the underdog. but not to cut everyone out of our lives at once, while Venus learns healthy boundaries in love. Depending on where these planets are placed in your chart natally, and where they are moving in the sky at the moment, affecting your natal placements, can bring light into what you may be learning.

When we learn from the past, we can move on from it. It can no longer hold us back. That is why taking a look at your natal chart can bring concrete events you have experienced into paths of healing. Astrology offers an opportunity to make sense of what has happened, based on our tendencies, what we hope for our futures, and how to bring that about based on our personalities. It is a beautiful journey, and I hope you take it, no matter where it takes you.

Calming Your Nervous System with Each Element

Your nervous system needs a break! Did you know that prolonged periods of stress can create a break down in your body? It is important to treat yourselves well. After all, we need our bodies for everything we do in life. We also need to find peace in the best way, as much as we can. So, I came up with a nervous system method for each element that connects to a sign in the Zodiac. Most of this comes from Astrology and Polyvagal Theory, my attempt to connect Astrology and Mental Health.

What are the elements? The four elements are: Fire, Earth, Water, Air. The Fire signs are: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius. The Earth signs in the Zodiac are: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. And finally, the Air signs are: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Okay, let us take a closer look at the tendencies of each sign. If you know your astrological chart, then take a look at what element your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are in (if you do not know this, please email me!) as well in which element you have more planets. You may have a combination of elements, which is great, you can have a variety of ways in which to calm your autonomic system.

Fire signs tend to take a lot of action, are busy doing things, some over work, some just have too many irons in the fire. So, what the fire sign people need to focus on when it comes to their nervous systems is to create space to feel their system without judgment. Awareness can bring a lot of healing. Once we are aware, we can interrupt cycles and patterns that no longer serve us.

Earth signs enjoy having tangible experiences and information to inform them of their reality. When your nervous system is overworked, sometimes we do not know where the dysregulation is coming from, so Earth signs feel as though they may be losing themselves or control of their environment. What is needed here is a focus on a time where you felt calm, safe and connected. Who is someone that makes you feel welcomed? How do you create a special place for yourself to feel relaxed? Think about it and notice any changes in your body.

Water signs can give into emotions at times. Or they resist anything having to do with feelings; out of self-preservation. When we have enough going on in our lives, we do not feel the need to continue to feel or deal with other people’s moods. This is normal and do honor that! Additionally, think about the state you are in, not the emotion, my dear water- sign-people. Where are you on the spectrum between completely disconnected and alarmed to connected and safe? How did you get there? When did you get there? Once again, no need to judge here, just take it in and get back to a better state than you were by reminding yourself of something you know about you, such as “I am strong”. Say that aloud.

Air signs think- A LOT! (My air-sign-people are laughing right now). Yes, go ahead and laugh, it is good for breathing and the lungs, which air signs need. However, if it is not available to you, put your thoughts aside and be present with yourself. Do not think, just take some slow, deep breaths and notice how your nervous system feels. Thoughts will come and go, your do-to list will always be there. Give yourself the gift of being only in the present because that is all the matters in this very moment.

I hope this is helpful and if you have any questions, please email me, I look forward to connecting with you and receiving any feedback.

Astrological Ritual Ideas

Hey there! I hope today is lighting up your life! I am writing this on Mars- Day (Tuesday) and I had this idea about how to organize your week so you can feel more aligned with the planets while caring for yourself! Let’s start with Tuesday.

Since Mars is the ruler of this day, we can engage in Mars-like qualities, such as yoga that focuses on a warrior flow. We can also engage in activities that include the elements of metal, fire, and severing. Maybe this is the day you take a break from someone toxic, or light a candle or work on your car. As Rachel Lang (an Astrologer) in her webinars and posts has reminded me lately: everything we do every day that takes time can be a ritual. We can honor each activity with thoughtfulness and purpose.

Wednesday! Can you guess which planet rules this day? That is right: Mercury, the planet of thoughtfulness, memory, ideas, language, exchange of conversation, mercantile-like affairs. This a day where your yoga practice can center on your releasing your mind, especially if you think a lot and your thoughts feel overwhelming at times. Perhaps it is a good time to be in Savasana or in meditation a little longer and give your worries to the universe and a higher power.

Thursday is Jupiter’s day. I remember another Astrologer, Kelly Surtees, say it is a great day to get paid. Honor your body with some self-love. Maybe this can be your cheat day. This yoga flow can focus on the internal organs, as Jupiter rules the liver. Jupiter is there to remind you life is full and expansive and needs to be enjoyed, so go outside, snuggle with your pet; whatever creates a beautiful moment for you.

Venus rules Fridays! Ah, don’t you love the feeling that we made it to the end of the week? Love is in the air! We will likely go out with people we love, look all glammed up and post it to social media 😉 Yoga can focus on strengthening your abs and glutes to remind you to show them off in your new outfit. It is also important to honor the relationships around you. Perhaps it is a good day to call that special person, truly express how to feel about that wonderful someone in your life.

Saturday is Saturn’s day. Now, Saturn is typically associated with blockage, duty, delays, to name a few. In a more positive light it is the day you either wake up early to do CrossFit or you will sleep in. Even though Saturn is related to structures, this is a day to break them! (Or to get your taxes done ;)

Sunday. Part of the planet is the name of the day, which gives you a clue to which planet: the Sun. The Sun represents our vitality, how we show up in the world. So Sunday is all about engaging in the activities that light you up and center you.

Last, but not least, Monday. In Spanish, “Luna”, which gives you insight into the ruler of this day: the Moon, where we are more in tune with our emotions and sense of safety. In my next blog I will be sharing ways that each element can calm their nervous systems. Monday is a good day to be aware of what your nervous system is doing and how it feels. Your yoga practice can center on deep stretching found with yin, to slow yourself down.

Moon cycle reflections

There are big shifts happening right now… can you feel it? If you can, read on.

This is a great time to get in tune with the lunar cycle as a way to align with what you value. Values are the vehicle, which carry us into the direction we want to take in our lives.

What a better way to travel than with the Moon! How can you take this cycle with you?

Start with a reflective time alone in nature to imagine how you want your life to look this year.

Once you have a good image, take in the feelings and thoughts that go along with it. Take in those emotions and take them to the top of a mountain. Take in the breeze.

Now, think of one small step you will take in order to accomplish that this month at the New Moon. Dedicate that intention to the universe and ask it to guide you. Imagine a white, pure light covering you to lead you in the wise way.

Finally, thank the Earth for all the wisdom it holds and how she chooses to share with you.

As the Moon grows, and as you notice it while you are out and about during day or night, remind yourself of that purpose you have given to yourself.

At the Full Moon, it is time to dedicate that intention again to the Mother Earth and let it go. It is still at work, but you have now allowed that breeze at the top of the mountain to carry itself to its destiny.

Enjoy the journey. ♥️

Enjoy the Moment

I recently learned about the Capricorn ingress chart, versus the Aries ingress chart. In the astrology world, the year technically starts on the first day of spring. However, in Uranian Astrology, the year starts at the Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice.

The interesting thing about this chart, which informs us of the following three months to come, is that at the time the Sun goes into Capricorn, the Moon (Luna) goes into comfy Taurus.

Luna feels good there, and typically, we do too. Enjoy this season of all the “little” comforts of life: a roaring fire, the sun shining through the trees, a warm tea in your hands, a raindrop in slow motion or a snowflake on your eyelash. It is then that you realize this moment is real and you are truly alive; and without your life, creation would have one less witness. So, enjoy it.

Full of Hope

Fulls moons are beautiful to look at and they inspire some positive vibes. In this full moon, we had a chatty energy touch the early degrees of Gemini (where Luna is) and the Sun exactly opposite (which is what a full moon is) in Sag. Moon and Admetos gives us insight into how we are feeling about the past. The Sun and Mars are helping us to take leadership action where we need to. Meanwhile, Cupido and Apollon are reminding us that effective leadership comes with freedom, peace, balance and scholarly information. Thus, taking action on what you know is right, true, and peaceful will bring you success in this life. Perhaps get in tune with yourself and what you value so you can make those courageous acts by going out into nature and listening to what your intuition has to say? After that, apply that intuition to realistic knowledge to what you know about yourself and the world. Does it match up? What does not match up? What tweaking needs to occur so that you have a more balanced view? Take some time this week to reflect.

New Moon, New Cycle

At approximately 2:39 pm EST on November 13, 2023, was a New Moon cycle. Now, this cycle visits the human population every 28 days, but this New Moon, something special happened.

The world got quiet, the wind blew over the lake and through my layers as I walked. I felt as raw as the air cutting my face. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I was not crying. My heart felt heavy, but I did not have any thoughts.

Then I heard it. Over the blaring wind, of the leaf-less trees, retrospective Jupiter was telling Venus how beautiful she is. He was happy to share in her space and indulge in warming, delicious foods, beautiful spaces, and pampering himself. “That is wonderful, Jup, but don’t overdo it,” Venus warned. Venus was focusing on balance and making sure she is organized for the upcoming holidays. She called out to Mercury: “Please talk to Jup, you can speak his language, you’re staying in his home”.

Mercury was too busy having fun and looking at places to travel, people to meet, all to strengthen his sense of purpose and love for life. Meanwhile, Sun and Moon were discussing plans for the month, and Mars kept interrupting with the “to do” list. Luna wanted to get deep about her needs and Sun wanted to shine a light on every secret. “I am feeling so vulnerable!” Said Luna.

“I am sorry, I can’t help it!” Sun responded defensively. “Look at how much fun you can have when you don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities!” He dived into the water and swam around. “Make sure you get everything done before the holidays!” Mars reminded again. “But let us also learn to have some fun and relax”, chimed in Mercury and Jupiter with smooth, gentle voices.

If you are feeling any of these archetypes, it is because the sky is reminding us of what this season is about. Rest, plan, dive, play, repeat.

Eclipse in Libra

Hello again! What is an eclipse and what is the big deal with it? The astronomical reason we get an eclipse is due to the orbital path that the Moon takes between the Earth and the Sun. Therefore, we either see a portion of the Sun, or just a ring around it, as it is blocked by the Moon. This link tells you more in detail with an animation! (so cool).

What does this mean astrologically? I am glad you asked! When looking at an astrological chart, the New Moon will land on a node. The nodes mark the orbital path of the Moon on the ecliptic and where they intersect. So, essentially today, October 14, 2023, we have Sun, Moon and South Node in Libra packing a punch in the energies. Remember my video on Venus retrograde (it is in the blog now too!), well Venus plays a big role here too, because it is the Zodiac sign ruler of Libra, which basically means the planets that travel through Libra are answering to Venus. She is in charge of this energy, within Libran qualities.

I am going to tell you a little story about my experience this year since the nodes changed signs to Aries/Libra axis. I have Venus as my chart ruler. (For more on where this means, please email me!) Since Mars and the South Node met up together in Libra (where Venus rules), I have been getting sick on and off and very consistently. The South Node tends to decrease and the North Node increases. My health was definitely decreasing in the time, and Mars typically gives me my vitality, and he was struggling to provide me with energy due to being in Libra (his weak place, due to being in detriment), and the South Node did not help the situation. How does that affect us collectively?

Again, I am glad you asked! Keep in mind the current themes right now in the world. As you think of those, let’s uncover the themes the eclipse chart is bringing out. Libra is a sign that represents balance and peace. Although the New Moon is bringing new ideas and concepts and cleaning the slate, there are still a lot of opposition and hard aspects happening. Venus, the ruler of Libra, who is weakened there. She is answering to Mercury, who is under the beams of the sun, and will be a bit torched by the Sun until it goes retrograde (and things can get haywire). So, get your communication lines in tact before Dec 13th, because it can be bumpy after this eclipse for a bit. Saturn and Jupiter and continuing their story on the themes from December 14, 2020, as they make a hard aspect. And the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all make applying hard aspects to this New Moon (which is basically the Sun and Moon conjoining). The outer planets represent the cycles of the world at large. Uranus represents the technological advancements, Neptune represents the liquids of the earth, such as liquified natural gas, diesel, alcohol; Pluto represents all energy resources and waste management. If this New Moon is making a hard aspect to these themes, then it is possible there will be a shift, as we have been seeing bits of already. So, look out for these stories as we enter this eclipse and we will revisit these themes again in April at the next eclipse! By being observers of the sky, we can become better people.

Pluto Cycles

Hello and welcome to another post- this time about Pluto cycles. Have you ever wondered what this slow moving planet actually represents? Pluto is receiving a lot of hype these days and it’s not because he is the “dwarf planet”. Despite your feelings about if the planet is a “real” one or not; is not the point. The point is that Pluto can still affect us. As many astrologers say, “as above, so below”, meaning: while we are going about our earthly routines, planetary influences are at work. Pluto represents the world at large and our role as a society to overcome challenges. What Pluto touches is never the same again: it is transformed.

Pluto has been at 29 degrees in Capricorn; the degree of crisis. Pluto was lingering there at the start of 2023 until 6:00 AM EDT of June 11th, when he entered Aquarius. He wasn’t there very long and so this 29 degree crisis point has been affecting us, especially through the contact Pluto makes to other planets.

On July 18th, the nodes of the Moon came into play with Pluto in a square and opposite the new Moon. What was going on in your life and in the world around you at that time? Those were the seeds planted as we continue on this Pluto journey.

For example, the United States is experiencing a return of where Pluto was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. When a planet returns to its position from when you started a cycle, that placement has significance. That spot on the chart now has a memory, and the theme of that memory comes up again. (See my Venus post!)

So we venture on, like boats against the current. So, is it time to change course? Or is it time to ride with the tide? I think the woke movement will become more accepted and differences between people will not matter as much. However, right now we see that people are rebelling against the change. Human nature does not like change. Once we recognize it is a norm, we will accept it like a cell phone in the street when we thought it was impossible.

On At 6:00 AM EST, January 21, 2024, Pluto will go back into Aquarius and it will be there for a long time, so get ready for more of the story to unfold.

Venus Cycles

I am here to share with you about the Venus love cycles! It is true: Venus represents love and relationships, universally. (And she is retrograde at this very moment, so take note on how that feels these days). Venus also has a special signification in your chart. And the aspects she makes to other planets can bring affect if the relationship tends towards divorce or eternal love.

Venus takes approximately 7 or 8 years to arrive at the same point again. So if you are tracking a Venus- related theme, such as a relationship or an artistic endeavor, how you feel after 7 years will dictate Venus’ status from when and where she started. Have you heard of the 7-year- itch? It’s real. I have also seen it up close and personal in therapy sessions with a countless amount of couples. The seven-year mark is when things get hard, because Venus comes back to its original spot from when you met! So if Venus has struggles when you met, there will be struggles at that seven- year mark. It is important to pay attention to themes, because overcoming those challenges helps with the longevity of your relationship.

Moon Cycles and What They Mean

Beginnings are charged with New Moon energy. It is also a great time for a haircut (if you want the hair to grow). Maybe this is a little known fact and that is why I saw everyone flocking the hair salon when I was there. As the Moon increases in light, it is gaining energy and presence in the sky. This is amazing. Those people born under this energy are go-getters, they light up the night. Then the Moon reaches its fullness and it is directly opposite the Sun. These are people who are not afraid of successes. However, those with the waning Moon energies are people who are intuitive and who cannot help but connect with other realms. Sometimes, they are viewed as odd. And that is okay. What house does your Moon rule and what planets are there? We can check it out together! Reach out to me today.

Full Moon in June

The next Full Moon cycle (I personally enjoy the Full Moon more than the New Moon, however, they each carry their own, distinct energies).

How did you fare this last month with Uranus’ suddenness and possibly reviewing more than you would have liked? How are your creative projects? (We are all creative in some way, so take time to tap into that part if you are not doing so).

Let us now make sense of some new energies for this month. Thankfully, Uranus is quiet for a bit, in general. (However, that does not exclude where Uranus can be in your natal chart). Sun and Venus have a love/hate relationship right now. Do you know someone whom you love to be around but also get annoyed with because they ignore you from time to time? That is this energy. The way you express yourself can be positive, however, it can also have you feeling misunderstood. How to overcome this? Time: give people time to process, give time to yourself to meditate and quiet all the loud, unhelpful thoughts, give time for gratitude towards what you have, not in what you lack.

What is new with me: I am exploring ancestral healing, so that is coming soon into a blog or as an intervention in your therapy session! Talk soon!

Full Moon today!

Here we are, with a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Scorpio. What a great time to be authentic and true to oneself. Scorpio energy finds it hard to trust everything at face value, because it understands the depth of the human psyche and inner motives. This brings the eclipse cycle to an end, for now. Some of us will experience an ending of some kind, but the projects you decided on or the intentions you have made with yourself will come up again in 6 months if they are new. Uranus’ bustling energy of the mind, in alignment with the Sun, yet contra parallel the Moon, we discover how we really want to express ourselves because, as I mentioned, being true to oneself is important right now under this energy. Mars and Saturn separate, providing hope through the last push in an overwhelming challenge, so hang in there. As it can be an invitation for sudden decisions, it is also a welcomed energy for caution. Mercury’s energy is asking us to review things: possibly our taxes, or our forms of communication towards our partner or loved ones. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter are flirting in the back room, finalizing opportunities to fall in love with a project or with an artistic field. Perhaps your creative side has discovered some new medium? Well, enjoy this next month’s explorations and follow me as we go into each Moon sign next month!

The Newest Current Cycle

I write this a little after the New Moon. It is the first New Moon of the Zodiacal year, because it starts in Aries! Aries is a fiery, passionate sign, that just wants to get things done. However, its shadow side is to overcommit, overdo, or become too intense. What this New Moon helps us do (it so happens to mark the beginning of eclipse season too) is to find balance with the opposite sign in the Zodiac: Libra. Libra loves beauty and grace. It is quiet in nature and enjoys observation of its surroundings. So this very moment can be the beginning of an adventure as well as a new avenue towards peace. What will that be for you? Where is Aries in your chart? Where is Libra? (Please reach out to me if you want to know where it is in your chart). The planet who is the ruler of Aries and the planet associated with the root chakra, is Mars. The root chakra is our fight or flight response. Mars helps us with those instincts and allows us to unblock any beliefs about ourselves that have been limiting. Today, try giving yourself a new belief that no longer holds you back, in positive terms, and visualize it in mountain pose, standing strong on your own two feet. This is the beginning of new challenges, but you can face them.

Planetary Cycles

All planets have cycles. Every time a planet hits a place where it started in the Zodiac, it marks a cycle.

Where did the planet start if it’s circular? Well, choose a significant date: your birthday, when you got married, the day you started a new venture. Next, track the planet which represents that specific cycle. (See below). Then reflect! Let me explain more.

Here are the planets and the cycles they symbolize in our lives’ journey.

The Moon represents our moods (cycles through the Zodiac every 28 days)

Sun- our body, our preferences (cycles every 365 days)

Mercury- our communication style or contracts (cycles around the sun every 88 days)

Venus- our love relationships (cycles every 7 years)

Mars- how we take action and initiate projects (cycles every 22 months)

Jupiter- our luck, fortune, outcome of events (cycles every 12 years)

Saturn- the lessons we learn, the wisdom we gather, the losses we let go of (cycles every 28 years)

Uranus represents the sudden changes in our lives, especially when it meets up with another planet; and it cycles every 84 years around the Zodiac.

Neptune symbolizes our blind spots as well as our artistic ventures; cycling every 165 years.

Pluto is the common task we accomplish with our generation in order to bring progressive change (cycles every 248 years).

In my next post, I will show you how to pay attention to these cycles for awareness of its impact in your life. Buckle up, it’s going to be a fun ride!

Astrology Cycles Blog

Welcome to the introduction of The Astrology Cycles Blog, where you can find all related content and interactive posts on the gram.

So, what is this blog, anyway? It started as an information blog about Astrology, and I thought about making it exclusive content…however, someone gave me this great idea of creating a blog where I focus on the cycles we go through in life and how we are affected by them. I loved 🥰 this idea, and implemented it right away!

So, every week you check by here, there will be a focus on a current cycle, or asking you to reflect on a past one.

Why do I care about this? Because if you can appreciate the cycles in your life you can begin to:

  1. understand that nothing is permanent

  2. accept where you are in your current life stage

  3. make the most of your life phase

  4. help someone else in their cycle

It seems as though life is presented in cycles. When I go through my IG account, my posts are authentically me, they are real. And the cycles of my life are evident: life before I got married, the side jobs I took, the people I met along the way of my path to explore the world, the activities I cycle through depending on the season, and the celebration of the beauty around me outdoors. This kaleidoscope of first moments, daily moments and lifelong moments are what create our cycles. And cycles push us forward…

“For we beat on, boats agains the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”

~Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Important Transits for 2023

Here We Go, 2023!

As I am writing this, the year has already started. Did you feel a shift when Mars left Gemini and entered Cancer on March 26th? That same day, Pluto dipped into Aquarius. You might be wondering: what does this all mean? And what does that mean for me?

Well, if you know your rising sign, I can give you some tips for the basic transits (meaning the stars in the sky that are active this very moment and how they may impact you generally knowing the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time when you were born). It is always fun to track which planets can affect you more than others. I find Cancer risings are most affected by the Moon because the Moon rules Cancer. So it is probably a good idea for a Cancerean person to track how the moon affects them every couple of days because that is how fast the Moon moves through the Zodiacal sky! Once you know what rising sign you are, find out the ruler of that planet (Sun rules Leo, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Taurus and Libra, Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius) then track that planet! Instead of going through all the rising signs individually, email me and I can send you your personal transit list using the following example as a template for Leo risings. (Use this form to reach me!)

Leo Rising (Ascendant)

Mars retrograde in Gemini ENDS (Jan 12): this is affecting your 11th house. Maybe your friends are knowledgeable or your community offers some aspects of yourself you did not know before; or it becomes more clear now.

Saturn enters Pisces (March 7): this affects your 8th house of shared resources (also the house of debts, taxes, client’s money). Although Saturn brings limits, it can also bring a restructuring of how you go about these topics. You have the next 3 years to figure that out.

Pluto enters Aquarius (March 23): this affects your sun! People have described a rebirth of who they are during this period; as well as deep transformation.

Jupiter enters Taurus (May 16): Jupiter brings gifts to your 10th house! This energy goes big and doesn’t always worry about getting home. You may take on too much at this time, or you may be implementing too much change at once. It’s okay to scale back and take a look if those efforts are well used. What you learned about Jupiter in Aries time will remind you of that.

The lunar notes enter Aries and Libra (July 17): the nodes move from your angular houses (big impact) to your 3rd/9th house access of trips, education, philosophy, neighborhood…you may see some changes there, especially around eclipse time.

Venus retrograde in Leo: (July 22-Sept 3rd) Venus in your ASC sign is a wonderful feeling of being beautiful and you may find yourself spending more time on what makes you feel good, especially since Leo rules the Sun and it is in Aquarius: your spunky self that doesn’t follow the rules but loves being social.