Your nervous system needs a break! Did you know that prolonged periods of stress can create a break down in your body? It is important to treat yourselves well. After all, we need our bodies for everything we do in life. We also need to find peace in the best way, as much as we can. So, I came up with a nervous system method for each element that connects to a sign in the Zodiac. Most of this comes from Astrology and Polyvagal Theory, my attempt to connect Astrology and Mental Health.
What are the elements? The four elements are: Fire, Earth, Water, Air. The Fire signs are: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius. The Earth signs in the Zodiac are: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. And finally, the Air signs are: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Okay, let us take a closer look at the tendencies of each sign. If you know your astrological chart, then take a look at what element your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are in (if you do not know this, please email me!) as well in which element you have more planets. You may have a combination of elements, which is great, you can have a variety of ways in which to calm your autonomic system.
Fire signs tend to take a lot of action, are busy doing things, some over work, some just have too many irons in the fire. So, what the fire sign people need to focus on when it comes to their nervous systems is to create space to feel their system without judgment. Awareness can bring a lot of healing. Once we are aware, we can interrupt cycles and patterns that no longer serve us.
Earth signs enjoy having tangible experiences and information to inform them of their reality. When your nervous system is overworked, sometimes we do not know where the dysregulation is coming from, so Earth signs feel as though they may be losing themselves or control of their environment. What is needed here is a focus on a time where you felt calm, safe and connected. Who is someone that makes you feel welcomed? How do you create a special place for yourself to feel relaxed? Think about it and notice any changes in your body.
Water signs can give into emotions at times. Or they resist anything having to do with feelings; out of self-preservation. When we have enough going on in our lives, we do not feel the need to continue to feel or deal with other people’s moods. This is normal and do honor that! Additionally, think about the state you are in, not the emotion, my dear water- sign-people. Where are you on the spectrum between completely disconnected and alarmed to connected and safe? How did you get there? When did you get there? Once again, no need to judge here, just take it in and get back to a better state than you were by reminding yourself of something you know about you, such as “I am strong”. Say that aloud.
Air signs think- A LOT! (My air-sign-people are laughing right now). Yes, go ahead and laugh, it is good for breathing and the lungs, which air signs need. However, if it is not available to you, put your thoughts aside and be present with yourself. Do not think, just take some slow, deep breaths and notice how your nervous system feels. Thoughts will come and go, your do-to list will always be there. Give yourself the gift of being only in the present because that is all the matters in this very moment.
I hope this is helpful and if you have any questions, please email me, I look forward to connecting with you and receiving any feedback.