There are big shifts happening right now… can you feel it? If you can, read on.
This is a great time to get in tune with the lunar cycle as a way to align with what you value. Values are the vehicle, which carry us into the direction we want to take in our lives.
What a better way to travel than with the Moon! How can you take this cycle with you?
Start with a reflective time alone in nature to imagine how you want your life to look this year.
Once you have a good image, take in the feelings and thoughts that go along with it. Take in those emotions and take them to the top of a mountain. Take in the breeze.
Now, think of one small step you will take in order to accomplish that this month at the New Moon. Dedicate that intention to the universe and ask it to guide you. Imagine a white, pure light covering you to lead you in the wise way.
Finally, thank the Earth for all the wisdom it holds and how she chooses to share with you.
As the Moon grows, and as you notice it while you are out and about during day or night, remind yourself of that purpose you have given to yourself.
At the Full Moon, it is time to dedicate that intention again to the Mother Earth and let it go. It is still at work, but you have now allowed that breeze at the top of the mountain to carry itself to its destiny.
Enjoy the journey. ♥️