A Wonderful Astrological Talk

Happy Solstice, where the Northern Hemisphere gets to enjoy 😉 and experience longer nights and shorter days. Since I have family in Argentina, I could easily be in the Southern Hemisphere of shorter nights, and longer days…my absolute favorite!!! 😍

However, I decided to choose to experience the shorter days with the frigid air (and I fit some skiing in too, don’t worry); because I realized the need to experience the worst (at least for me) in order to enjoy the best There is something very refreshing about that. It helps me accept difficult cirucumstances, somehow. More than that, it helps me to take in the moment. This is especially possible when you have the mind of resilience. What is resilience, you ask?

I have been reading a wonderful book (please invest in it, it is totally worth it!) called Resilience by Linda Graham, MFT, there are many practical exercises in the book (great for an earth/air sign driven person) to try out. The author describes resilience as “a person who is flexible, who is not wedded to one coping method, who uses different strategies depending on the situation at hand, accepting what they cannot change, learning from failure, using difficult emotions to fuel compassion and courage, and the strength of internal and external resources “. Therefore, being flexible and adaptable to change is crucial to your survival. I will be guiding you this year on change, as we will have a lot of it occurring with many cycles ending and beginning; many ingresses of planets into new signs…but we will get to that!

So what does this Capricorn Ingress (which in Uranian astrology is the chart of the next year) have in store for us? It has a Scorpio rising, with the ruler, Mars, at the top of the chart. It is a busy, yet productive year. The themes Saturn started 2 years ago, will be wrapping up for you this year. With Taurus on the DC, our relationships (Venus) will be of a certain, Aquarian flare, with the help of Jupiter, who is also getting help from Mercury, and he needs it, since they are both in the sign that they do not do their best in, so depending on what aspects Mercury and Jupiter make to each other this year, really matters. I will be tracking this as the year goes on!

Venus in Aquarius might bring on unconventional relationships, but also relationships that seek the endurance of Saturn. That can be tested at all times, so depending on what phase your committed relationship is in, you will be learning the lessons of that phase (feel free to reach out to me and book a session to find out more). Venus is also opposite Mars in Leo, who wants all the attention. So, back to the productivity. Mars will be checking to make sure your relationship is functioning as it should be; on all layers: from how do we enjoy sport together to how we resolve fights to how we have passionate sex. Venus is also the universal symbol of women. There may be a bit of a “battle of the sexes” this year on a wider scale. Perhaps we can see men seemingly making the decisions and women are behind the scenes affecting those decisions. It can look like a working together to resolve differences (that may never be resolved, but at least there was an effort) or oppositional views that take on a fighting energy. Knowing Leo and Aquarius: those are signs that want to work together for the better of the whole. I have faith in humanity, but good luck out there. Feel free to reach out for some ways to cope with stress, change or just to chat about your astrological chart and we can have a simple chat about it. Use code CHAT for some discounts and remember: You got this!