The next Full Moon cycle (I personally enjoy the Full Moon more than the New Moon, however, they each carry their own, distinct energies).
How did you fare this last month with Uranus’ suddenness and possibly reviewing more than you would have liked? How are your creative projects? (We are all creative in some way, so take time to tap into that part if you are not doing so).
Let us now make sense of some new energies for this month. Thankfully, Uranus is quiet for a bit, in general. (However, that does not exclude where Uranus can be in your natal chart). Sun and Venus have a love/hate relationship right now. Do you know someone whom you love to be around but also get annoyed with because they ignore you from time to time? That is this energy. The way you express yourself can be positive, however, it can also have you feeling misunderstood. How to overcome this? Time: give people time to process, give time to yourself to meditate and quiet all the loud, unhelpful thoughts, give time for gratitude towards what you have, not in what you lack.
What is new with me: I am exploring ancestral healing, so that is coming soon into a blog or as an intervention in your therapy session! Talk soon!