Venus Cycles

I am here to share with you about the Venus love cycles! It is true: Venus represents love and relationships, universally. (And she is retrograde at this very moment, so take note on how that feels these days). Venus also has a special signification in your chart. And the aspects she makes to other planets can bring affect if the relationship tends towards divorce or eternal love.

Venus takes approximately 7 or 8 years to arrive at the same point again. So if you are tracking a Venus- related theme, such as a relationship or an artistic endeavor, how you feel after 7 years will dictate Venus’ status from when and where she started. Have you heard of the 7-year- itch? It’s real. I have also seen it up close and personal in therapy sessions with a countless amount of couples. The seven-year mark is when things get hard, because Venus comes back to its original spot from when you met! So if Venus has struggles when you met, there will be struggles at that seven- year mark. It is important to pay attention to themes, because overcoming those challenges helps with the longevity of your relationship.