Pluto Cycles

Hello and welcome to another post- this time about Pluto cycles. Have you ever wondered what this slow moving planet actually represents? Pluto is receiving a lot of hype these days and it’s not because he is the “dwarf planet”. Despite your feelings about if the planet is a “real” one or not; is not the point. The point is that Pluto can still affect us. As many astrologers say, “as above, so below”, meaning: while we are going about our earthly routines, planetary influences are at work. Pluto represents the world at large and our role as a society to overcome challenges. What Pluto touches is never the same again: it is transformed.

Pluto has been at 29 degrees in Capricorn; the degree of crisis. Pluto was lingering there at the start of 2023 until 6:00 AM EDT of June 11th, when he entered Aquarius. He wasn’t there very long and so this 29 degree crisis point has been affecting us, especially through the contact Pluto makes to other planets.

On July 18th, the nodes of the Moon came into play with Pluto in a square and opposite the new Moon. What was going on in your life and in the world around you at that time? Those were the seeds planted as we continue on this Pluto journey.

For example, the United States is experiencing a return of where Pluto was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. When a planet returns to its position from when you started a cycle, that placement has significance. That spot on the chart now has a memory, and the theme of that memory comes up again. (See my Venus post!)

So we venture on, like boats against the current. So, is it time to change course? Or is it time to ride with the tide? I think the woke movement will become more accepted and differences between people will not matter as much. However, right now we see that people are rebelling against the change. Human nature does not like change. Once we recognize it is a norm, we will accept it like a cell phone in the street when we thought it was impossible.

On At 6:00 AM EST, January 21, 2024, Pluto will go back into Aquarius and it will be there for a long time, so get ready for more of the story to unfold.